In use, the iPad rests on a built in stand in a horizontal orientation which makes the whole package look and work almost like a netbook. The keyboard itself has a silicone cover that will resist the occasional caffeinated spillage of your choice and provides noticeable tactile feedback. In other words, you'll feel like you are typing again instead of tapping. The case is made of soft synthetic leather and closes with a magnetic clasp. It feels good when you're carrying it around, but it isn't so hefty that you notice it. In fact, loaded up with an iPad the whole weighs just 2.75lbs, which is less than the new 13" MacBook Air.
The keyboard comes with all the function keys you'd expect with an iPad: Home, Volume, Search, and iPod Controls. Tap the Home button once and you're looking at your apps. Tap the Home button twice and you bring up a mini iPod control. Without leaving the current app, you can fire up songs on the active playlist with a touch of the Play button. You can also Pause or skip forward/backward through the active playlist. The Search button puts everything on your iPad at your fingertips.
Bullet Headline
PLAYERS: You know that amazing feeling you get when you roll a crit? The sight of the "20" on your die blasts straight up into the pleasure center of your brain and you feel like a million astral diamonds. (Except when you roll a crit for initiative. That's just lame. Especially if you're the cleric.) Then you get to roll an obscene amount of dice and tally up the damage to that formerly badass mindflayer and narrate how your blade sliced right through his ugly purple head. Imagine all of that, but your d20 flashes red to let everyone at the table know just how awesome you are. Show off your amazing luck every time your d20 glows.
GMs: For starters, we'll let you know that we did our very best to ensure the Critical Hit LED d20 Die is weighted as evenly as possible considering the electronics inside. We did this because we're gamers and we really wanted to use them in our Thursday D&D game. Of course, you are the boss, so it's up to you whether to allow it at your table. We will say that with the appropriate mood lighting in your gaming room, the Critical Hit LED d20 Die will gently illuminate your face with an evil red glow when you roll a crit behind the screen. Since every GM has a wee bit of sadist inside, we knew you'd love that.
Product Features
You know you have always wanted to be a wizard. But not one of those swish and flick wizards from the movies. You want to be the Dungeons & Dragons wizard - the party's controller. See that word there? CONTROLLER. It means you control the battlefield; you control everything! Sure, you're squishy and sometimes there's collateral damage when you let out a blast, but it's all in a day's work. As a wizard, you have a choice in implements, but everyone knows The Wand is the ultimate when you want to be an elite controller.
Our Wand may not make legions of kobold minions explode into flames, but it will learn up to 13 commands from your existing remote controls and map them to particular magical motions. Flick the wand from side to side to flip the channels, twist the wand to turn up the volume. A beam of light will shoot out the unicorn tail hair and magic will happen! The Wand can learn from any remotes in your house and once you master its 13 movements, you can mastermind a symphony of electronic enjoyment from the comfort of your couch. Then, and only then, are you an epic level controller.
Product Specifications
So here's what you're going to say... ready? "Hey, last time I had to find a patch cable, it cost you $50 worth of my time. Buy me one of these and I'll never have to waste that time again." They don't need to know that the Universal Network Cable adapter allows you to change wiring standard with just a click. They won't care about going from straight through to crossover. Their eyes will glaze over when you mention Cisco or T1 or DDS. Just tell them that the Universal Network Cable is THE essential tool for the IT crowd, and that you'll save them tons of wasted man/grrl hours a year. (Don't tell them that you'll spend those newly-found hours playing World of Warcraft. Bad idea.)
The camera is located on the bottom of the lighter. To record video, push the on-off button. A small blue light will come on while the camera initializes. When the light turns red, you're ready to record. Just push the button a second time. The indicator light will go off after the first five seconds in order to save battery power. To retrieve recorded video, just connect the included USB cable to your computer. You can also overlay the date-time on your videos by saving a simple text file to the device. Remember, it's also a flash drive too. When connected it should mount just like any other flash drive. The lighter case has a smooth, brushed metallic surface and an adjustable flame.
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